Pizza: breaking the fast!

020True to form, my first home cooked food was packaged. BUT this is for a couple of reasons

1) I really wanted pizza

2) This pizza was SO popular even though it was a new item that this was the LAST one on the shelf. So of course, I had to try it.

3) This is part of an effort by me to clean up even when I eat frozen meals. This really limits me to Kashi and Amy’s…moreso Amy’s since some of Kashi’s dishes use GMO crops

I know that with my lifestyle I cannot commit to never eating frozen meals, what will be important is minimizing them and only having the ones that are genuine food. The rest of this week will be fresh and home cooked, but I’ve wanted pizza for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeesss

So how was my Naked Pizza?

Pretty darned tasty!

Rating: 7/10

Pros: 024

-Veggies are really great

-The crust was hearty and browned nicely in the oven. I followed the directions, 400F for 10 mins on bake but then I tossed in my own quick broil to brown up the top a bit. It turned out beautifully

-Great nutrition and generous serving size. Half a pizza for 350 and a whopping 18g of protein and 9 g protein? YUH!

-Good cold. I told myself I’d have the other half tomorrow (I am trying to lose weight after all) and that lasted until..oh 10 mins ago. I tried a cold bite, fabulous. Tried another and another and…welp, there’s my second serving.

-It bakes up pretty! (see below)


-This is really a personal size pizza. The serving size is 2, and they’re significant! But don’t think you can have this pizza as a party item.

-They’re light on the sauce. While I don’t like a soggy pizza, there are areas that weren’t covered properly. This might be just a defect with mine so meh

-The sauce isn’t very spicy or zesty. It’s not bad, by any means, but I prefer a slightly spicier and garlicky sauce. That’s easily remedied and I usually employ sriracha on my pizza anyway, so to each their own.

This pizza does use wheat and it’s not vegan, it does use Mozzarella. But all that withstanding, I’d likely get it again and can see why it was sold out so quickly.

The next I’ll be trying is an Amy’s pizza but they were out of the gluten free crust at the store so that will have to wait!

Oh Pizza, you are so loved!


The rest of this week will be home cooked, as I mentioned, and Wednesday I’ll be getting my greenling box complete with Engine Two meal kits. Can’t wait to review those!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. fuelingtheresistins
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 10:01:40

    Excited for you to cook 🙂


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