My cat is judging me



photo (3)This is Meira. She’s almost three and she is judging me while I write this blog. Why? Because I’m using my lap for my computer and not for belly rubs. I’ll make this quick so that judgement doesn’t turn to homicide planning.

Today I ate my southwestern polenta casserole! Well one 1/4th of it! Which turns out to be a  big slice that weighs in at only 265 cals 😀 Delicious!!

If you order from greenling, try it!  I will def be getting it again!

Dinner has been another adventure. Today was about portobella fajitas on spelt tortillas from Engine Two

001 Ingredients! All chopped up and ready to go! This one was suuuuuuuuuuuper easy, it comprised of dumping the veggies in a skillet, let the onions, peppers and mushrooms sizzle, head up the tortillas and then scoop up it all in those tortillas, add salsa and peppers and some avocado and BOOM! done!

Bonus! Black beans as a side included! Ridiculously easy.

How about taste?

Well, all in all it was pretty nice! The salsa was mild so I made liberal use of those jalapenos. The big surprise was the spelt tortillas! They are delicious! This recipe came with four and it was meant to be a two serving meal but I ended up eating all the fajitas with two tortillas.    What will I do with the other two? Oh i’m going to find some use for them, they’re way too yummy to let go to waste.005

The drawbacks of this meal? It’s a bit moist! I think I might need to cook it down a bit more so they’re less juicy lol

It’s also lacking in spices but if you toss in a few mexi spices it’ll be good. I mean, it was good, but it could be better. Still, it turns out pretty!